
EGU Topical Conference Series
9th Alexander von Humboldt Conference 2014
High Impact Natural Hazards Related to the Euro-Mediterranean Region
Istanbul | Turkey | 24 – 28 March 2014


The aim of this 9th Alexander von Humboldt International Conference is to open a forum on natural hazard events that are characterized by high impact and large destructive potential, particularly related to the Euro-Mediterranean Region including Turkey (e.g., Marmara Region).

High impact natural events may profoundly affect, or even destroy, the socio-economic fabric over different spatial and temporal scales. These events often have a low probability of occurrence, with society often unprepared for the resultant impact. Earth Scientists are foremost in studying and understanding the geo-processes and uncertainties surrounding these hazards.

This one week conference in Istanbul will bring together an interdisciplinary group of scientists to study a variety of high-impact natural hazards related to the Mediterranean Region, including earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, hydro-meteorological and other hazards. There will also be sessions on complexity analysis applied to natural hazards, loss modelling, risk assessment, communications and education of the public and policy makers, and what is appropriate good practice when proposing natural hazard "predictions". We foresee the theme of this conference to be of particular interest to academic, industry and government experts on geophysics, geology, physical geography, seismology, applied mathematics, complexity physics, remote sensing, and engineering. We also very much welcome social scientists.

Within the five days of this conference, we will have half a dozen international experts as key-note speakers. We actively solicit both oral and poster presentations, and will particularly be promoting discussion and debates, in various formats, including time for poster presentations to do 2 minute summaries in front of the entire group.